This article includes a list of items that can be collected during Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. There are four types of items, and 143 items total: 113 MonoMono Machine items. 31 Casino Exclusive. Marked with: 8 Post-chapter completion items. 15 pairs of underwear. MonoMono Machine items can be given to other students to increase the player's relationship with them. This article includes a list of items that can be collected during Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. There are four types of items, and 114 items total: 90 MonoMono Machine items. 8 Post-chapter completion items. 14 pairs of underwear (PlayStation Vita, PC, and PlayStation 4 versions only). MonoMono Machine items can be given to other students to increase Makoto's relationship. In Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, the MonoMono Machine is located in the store on the 1st floor of the school building.There are 143 Presents total, of which a selection can only be purchased with casino coins at the rewards booth. Presents 114-128 are obtained for obtaining a maximum bond with each character, 133-140 are post-chapter rewards, and 142-143 are casino prizes. 7 Presents will.
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3.2 - Comeback
I cough and adjust some of my curls over my shoulder, completely a nervous wreck as I take a tentative peek at the person across from me. On the other side of the marble table with gold legs is Kaede Akamatsu. There's something...wrong about her. I can't quite put my finger on it, but her head is ducked down so I can't see her face.
'Puhuhu~! Time for the main course!' Monokuma cheers manically, red eye flashing as he slams a silver platter unceremoniously on the table between us. I flinch at the movement and sound, giving Monokuma the nastiest look I can muster from my arsenal. As he adjusts his chefs hat, he grins wider at me. 'Oh, don't be like that, Miss Marble. I brought you only the best cuisine! I promise!'
He breaks off into giggles at the end of his statement, only pushing me to believe otherwise. Monokuma only exists to spread despair, after all.
Stupid bear.
Monokuma wiggles his butt as he leans over to grab hold of the lid to the platter, tail also wiggling in excitement. Despite that he's serving both Kaede and I, the mechanical bear keeps his gaze affixed on me for my reaction rather than Kaede's. On that note, the blonde across from me still doesn't respond to what's happening, making me eye her in concern. Is she okay?
'Kaede? Is everything alright?' I query, shifting to try and see her face at an angle. I can't see it. It seems there's a shadow concealing every inch of her features.
'Ignore her!' Monokuma snaps, making me look back his way. 'Look at this instead!'
Monokuma lifts up the lid of the silver platter and my eyes go wide when I see what's resting in it.
Covered in stains of blood with both arms and legs crudely ripped off is Monotaro, laying on the silver plate with a pink stained shot-put ball shoved between his teeth forcefully.
Startled and hurt to see how Monokuma's treated him, I lurch out of my seat with a shout. Just as my hand nears the red bear, Kaede stands up and looks at me, her own bloody hand grabbing mine in a painful grip as I realize it isn't a shadow on Kaede's face. She's missing a face altogether, leaving a plane of emptiness where features should be.
I scream, trying to pull my arm back when she drags me closer over the table and grabs a knife from beside the platter. My eyes widen as she lifts her arm, aiming clearly for my face.
'What's wrong? This is what you ordered, isn't it? Isn't this what you wanted?' Monokuma asks, my eyes darting to him quickly before I'm pulling harder at my arm to get away from Kaede.
'Please, DON'T!' I cry.
She brings down the knife.
❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀
I wake up in my pajamas- a cold sweat covering my body from head to toe as I sit up and let my eyes scan the room for any potential dangers. I jump off my bed and onto my feet, stumbling a little as I look in potential hiding spots, either for a person or a bear.
I look under my bed first. Then I check my dresser and under my vanity. Every nook and cranny is thoroughly looked into until the point that I'm sure I'm completely by myself in my room, left with a fast-paced palpitating and twitches in my neck and chest. My eyes water when I start thinking about Kaede's face again. It just keeps coming back to the forefront of my mind, and I don't understand why. I don't want to remember Kaede like that!
Taking a seat on my bed, I reach for my monopad on my night table to check the time. This is already the fifth or sixth time (I've lost count) that I'm waking up from a nightmare about Kaede, and lack of proper sleep is starting to exhaust me. It's a good thing I rejected Rantaro's offer to spend the night. One, boy. Two, I don't need him trying to coddle me like his kid sister just 'cause of a stupid nightmare. I'll get through this myself...
I guess that tunnel will have to wait just a little longer- at least until I'm at tip top shape again. This isn't fair though. I just want to sleep.
Well, it's two in the morning and most of the others are likely to be asleep. I guess I can maybe explore for a bit and see if it makes me sleepy enough to stay asleep.
I glance down at my pajamas and then at the mannequin at the side of my room- the one bearing that 2B cosplay dress. There's no way I can put that on by myself, and I'm definitely not waking Tsumugi or Kirumi up to dress me up.
I can maybe wash my clothes too now that I'm not about to ruin that dress Tsumugiput together. Just...I'll do anything to keep myself busy and get myself tired. I'll get over the nightmares on my own. How hard can it be?
Spoiler alert: pretty hard.
And so I wash my clothes and evidently get tired enough to try falling asleep properly. When I wake up an hour later, heart racing and the image of Kaede's face still haunting my dreams, I end up leaving my room carelessly to make my way across the courtyard and to the school.
Rather than head to the library, which is peaceful and chock-full of content that could potentially bore me to an eight hour complete slumber, I end up going to the game room. It's empty from what I can see...good. Not that I don't like company, but I'd rather not worry anyone right now.
Looking around, I make a point to completely pass over the Pac Man machine. Just looking at it hurts my heart...and then my eyes land on another Namcobrand arcade machine reading Galaga. Curious, my head cocks to the side and I start walking over to it to get a better look at the preview of the game play.
I let out a squeak of surprise when my foot catches the edge of another machine on my way, slamming my pinkie toe hard on the side of it with such a force that I cry out and stumble the rest of the way to the machine. My hand hits the button as I brace myself on it and pull up my foot to baby it, rubbing the pain out of my pinkie toe to finally glance at the arcade machine screen. There's a list of high scores being displayed now, and I frown when I read what it essentially says.
1. OMA 2. BEAT 3. MY 4. SCOR 5. PDOG
I have to read it a few times before I realize what it is and smile a little. Clever little prick...
Casting the previous of the arcade game a thoughtful look when the screen idles long enough to play it again, I grin a bit wider and bite my lip in thought. Take his challenge or ignore it? I mean, I am sleep deprived, so I might not do so good...
But then again, his score looks easy enough to beat. How he got it when he doesn't have intuition like me though is impressive. Bah! A challenge is a challenge. I'll kick his leechy butt sleep deprived or not!
I grab onto the controls and hit start.
At first the game seems simple soon as I memorize the enemy attack patterns using my intuition with reckless abandon to collect as many points as possible though, I'm flying through levels like there's no tomorrow.
For every challenge round, I get an extra life for every perfect forty count score I get via hits, up until I have seven lives, including the two I maneuver on screen.
Okay, this is past overkill. I might as well call it quits now, I wanna see if that leech can beat my score now.
I kamikaze the game and grin as I throw in my initials of BLTZ, only pausing when a bitter flavor hits my tongue- and it isn't just the blood I see when I stick my tongue out and tap a finger to the tip.
'The fuck?!I wouldn't kill PERFECT BLITZ!'
'Aww, how thoughtful~! Not Prairie Dog, just someone else, right?'
At that memory, I delete my initials and replace them with MRBL instead, my smile gone despite the overkill I delivered to Kokichi on his high score which should have given me some joy. Any joy I had before that memory goes out the window, along with a sigh on my part.
A voice clears behind me as I lean over the Galaga arcade machine and tuck my face in my hands.
Danganronpa V3 Online Game
'...I'm fine,' I simply state, already knowing who it is. 'Trust me, you don't need to worry.'
Their footsteps across the carpet are almost barely audible as I wait, knowing my head would not stay tucked down in a vulnerable position like this if it were maybe anyone else behind me. I know Rantaro would never hurt me though. His hands pull my messy locks behind my ears, weaving his fingers through my curly tresses.
My heart beats just a little faster at the comforting touch...and then speeds up when I peek through my own fingers down at the arcade controls, noticing something of a pink hue dripping down on it. My nose isn't bleeding and my mouth isn't filled with enough blood to drip that amount. As I notice that, I become acutely aware of a liquid trailing down my chin as the hand behind me strokes my jawline.
No! Not again...!
I snap my eyes shut and cover my face again, my breathing increasing in speed along with my heart rate, and this time it's not because I'm under the impression that Rantaro is behind me.
The hands trail down and then wrap around my waist. What do I do? I don't wanna look again...!
'Please no more,' I beg, feeling tears well up in my eyes. 'I can't spend the rest of the game like this- I need sleep. I need to get us out of here. I can't watch everyone end up like you.'
My throat feels tight, words barely making it out intact without any cracks. For once, and it shocks me enough to bring me back to my senses a little, she actually speaks.
'I know.'
I lift my head a little to look up at the arcade machine, but Kaede puts a bloody hand over my face. I'm sure if this wasn't a dream, I'd be completely horrified to have blood on my face, but I simply go still and wait for her to keep talking. Be it a dream or's nice to hear her voice again, even if this is just my mind's attempt at giving myself some comfort.
'That's enough. You don't need to see me like this,' her voice is gentle and airy- and I wonder for a moment how she can speak before chalking it up to dream logic. 'You're right. You need to get everyone out...but you know you can't save everyone.'
I feel her rest her head on my shoulder, causing a waterfall of blood to pour down my shoulder and side. I shiver a little at the feeling, forcing myself to stay composed.
'Not even Perfect Blitz is perfect, Prairie. Don't escape for me. Escape for them.' Kaede's arm tightens around me hard, making me wince when it makes my ribs ache. 'Just don't end up like me.'
...I need to look.
I pull her hands off of my face despite every nerve begging me not to for fear of just adding fuel to my nightmares, whirling around-
And seeing Kaede.
My stomach flip-flops when I see her.
She's exactly how she's supposed to look.
'Kaede!' I blurt out, receiving such a warm smile that my heart nearly leaps out of my rib cage. Glancing down where I could have sworn I had blood all over my side, I'm relieved to see no blood at all, not even a droplet on either of us. Once I'm sure we're both okay, I throw my arms around her, Her returning hug still aches my bones a bit, but I can't bring myself to care about it. Now when I can see Kaede for real in my dreams as she's supposed to look.
'You know you're only dreaming, right?' She asks soberly after I pull away to look at her face again, committing her features to my memory. I don't want to forget her again.
'I know, but it's okay. I don't care if my brain is tricking me.' I pause for a moment, eyes watering again. It's not really Kaede, but I have so much I want to say to the girl I thought I would get along so well with. A girl I barely got the chance to get to know. 'I miss you.'
She smiles again, sympathy fluttering over the surface of her lilac pink eyes. 'I know.'
'...I wish we had more time to get to know each other and play the piano together,' I say as well, watching her nod before laughing a little in amusement.
'Even though you were having trouble stretching your fingers over the keys and kept complaining that you had munchkin hands?'
The reminder of that makes me laugh, washing away some of the guilt in my heart.
'I do though! Look at them, they're kiddy hands!' I insist with a fake pout, watching Kaede lift her hand to press it up against mine, laughing at the size difference.
'They're not kiddy hands, they're dainty. I mean...I'm sure Rantaro thinks they're cute,' she giggles slyly, causing my face to screw up and my cheeks to turn fire red.
'N-No! Don't embarrass me like that, there's no way he thinks that...!' I squeak, just before our laughter and smiles eventually die out. This is nice, but...I'll eventually have to wake up.
'You'll be okay. You and I both know this. Just remember what I said. Don't end up like me. Be careful, Prairie,' Kaede instructs, making my stomach churn.
'I don't wanna leave yet. I want to keep talking to you,' I say, her eyes softening.
'Yeah, I know...but it's time to wake up.'
Kaede puts her hands on my shoulders, looking almost apologetic for a moment before she does it. I blink and then let out a strangled gasp of terror when I see her face crack and break before me, back into that terrifying display post-murder.
❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀
'Rise and shine. Come on, Prairie, time to wake up,' I hear a voice break through my sleep, making my body jump a little and my eyes fly open.
Where am I? Where'sKaede?
Instead, when I look up from where I'm totally splayed out on the game room floor, I'm surprised to see the familiar face of Ryoma Hoshi nudging my shoulder with a hand. Confused, I sit up and look around until my eyes land on him again.
'Huh? I fell asleep...?' I question, making Ryoma chew thoughtfully on the mint cigarette between his lips.
'You might want to run back to your room on the double. Everyone's already up...and you're not dressed decently at the moment. You've got a long way to go from here- literally,' he says casually, only for me to then realize he's trying to avoid looking at me as much as possible.
Oh, right. My pajamas.
My small pajamas.
I squeak in horror, jumping to my feet and making a break for the exit in horror- only pausing when I see light barely coming in from above.
'W-What time is it?' I ask, turning despite Ryoma having his back turned to me as he observes the Galaga arcade machine.
'It's eleven in the missed breakfast and everyone's looking for you,' Ryoma answers, having to step on the lower edge of the machine to reach the controls to the Galagamachine. I can see the scores pop up as I turn away and look at the stairwell again in disbelief.
Eleven in the morning?! That's so late, what the heck?! ...wait, that means that I was able to get a full night's sleep in the end!
'Whoa, Prairie, how did you get a score like-'
I don't even hear the rest of Ryoma's words, quickly darting up the stairs barefooted peeking out into the hall to see who's around. The hall seems devoid of students...perfect. Time to make a break for it then...!
With fast steps, I race to the school entrance and then freeze, half peering out and hiding around the corner when I see a few students outside.
Aaa, this is bad. They'll definitely see me if I'm not careful.
I wait until I'm sure people won't see me dart towards a path by some nearly finished groomed grass, wincing at how close I am to one of the Exisals on autopilot. Just so happens the one I use for cover is the red accented one, with causes a soft swell of my heart. Trying not to think about the red bear, I continue around it until I see a group of some of the other students gathered around, making me pause before running out and continuing my way to the dormitories. Why? Because I see Rantaro, Shuichi, Kiibo and Tenko all standing in front of those big wood doors with yellow and red writing on it.
What are those four doing? What a strange sight- Tenkowith a trio of boys? ...I can't hear what they're talking about. Maybe I can get a little closer?
I carefully scout the rest of the area, skipping on my tiptoes quickly to get to the yellow accented Exisal on autopilot- which is substantially closer to the group. The Exisal is loud and not exactly safe to be so close to one on autopilot, but I can at least make out a few things they say.

'...might work for this here, the hexagon matches the crank. Monokuma did say we might find her if we open some of the new paths,' Kiibo states, followed by the sound of Shuichi's awkward chuckle.
'Uh, I know Monokuma said that, but...I don't know. He might have only said that so we'd open these places up. I just fail to see how Prairie would be able to get into this place if she didn't have this key,' Shuichi explains, making Tenko huff irritably enough for everyone's attention to fall on her. Shuichi winces, taking a step back from her.
'Typical of a degenerate menace! Underestimating Perfect Blitz and her abilities,' Tenko hisses, making a scrunched up wacky face. Shuichi holds out his hands, ready to protect himself if necessary.
'Shuichi, you see how this place is surrounded by a wall?' Rantaro inquires, prompting the reserved Ultimate Detective to look up curiously and nod with realization.
'Ah, right. Sometimes I forget someone as small and petite as her can climb crazy heights...she doesn't exactly strike me as the type. She's'
I almost feel a vein burst in my forehead.
I puff up my cheeks and narrow my blue eyes on Shuichi dangerously. It isn't until he lets out a sharp yelp that I realize I've closed my eyes and am coming up from throwing a little rock, snapping them open in time to see Shuichi rubbing his uppermost left shoulder blade. Rantaro immediately whips around and I squeak, ducking behind the Exisal but not before Rantaro's green eyes lock onto me like a missile radar.
Peeking around the Exisal, my eyes meet his disapproving green ones again- and I don't bother ducking away entirely since I know I'm already in big trouble.
Run? Do I run? Do I wait for retribution?
'Shuichi, you okay?' Rantaro inquires, making Shuichi pat at his shoulder and eventually hum in agreement.
'Yeah, it was just my shoulder, thankfully...where did...?' Shuichi inquires, before Rantaro garners his attention once again with, 'Why don't you lead everyone ahead of me, I think I see a monokub back there. I'm gonna have a talk with it. You guys find Prairie if you can,' Rantaro's voice is a dangerous calm that makes my stomach sink since his eyes remain lasered on me. Before Shuichi can catch sight of me, I duck behind the Exisal entirely once more.
'R-Right. Okay, we'll let you know if we...find her,' Shuichi states, somehow making me bite my lip in guilt because I can tell he might have an idea I'm the one back here that threw a rock- not a monokub like Rantaro tells him.
Run now?!
I peek around the Exisal after hearing the sound of some large doors opening, feeling my heart jump to my throat with a squee when I see just how much closer Rantaro is to my location. Two things end up keeping me rooted in my place: one, I don't want anyone to see me in my tiny pajamas, and two, Rantaro is too close to outrun at this point.
Before I can buckle over and curl up to beg for mercy however...
Rantaro Amami reaches behind his neck and pulls off his shirt entirely.
He does not have a tank top under it this time.
One moment my face is completely on fire in sheer disbelief at the sight of shirtless Rantaro- and the next I find myself staring at the upside down landscape before I can see the upside down dorm rooms in the dormitory, prompting me to lift my head and wriggle to get away from Rantaro who is carrying me despite his shirtless state.
'Stop, stop. I'll put you down,' he states firmly, making me freeze as he lets me down carefully on my feet and puts his hands on his hips. He's shirtless, but he's not carrying his shirt anymore. Where...?
I feel like I'm wearing something heavier than my small airy pajamas, making me glance down to find that I'm the one wearing his shirt now. It's better than my small pajamas, yeah, but...
'So now you're throwing rocks at people, Prairie?' Rantaro asks sternly, calling my attention back to where he is standing without a shirt. Just like that my brain short circuits again as my eyes scan his form. Last time he was shirtless, I was upset and my focus was cleaning off the 'art' I did on his face. Rather than giving him a coherent answer right now though...
'Sorry for rocky abs!' I blurt out, only to replay my words in my head when Rantaro's expression slightly twitches. I direct my attention momentarily to recompose myself before trying again with, 'Sorry for hot abs! Ack!'
My face is on fire yet again, but with no escape I end up pulling the collar of Rantaro's cologne scented shirt over my red face and head to hide from him with a squeak of utter shame.
Way to let him know what you were thinking about, dummy!
'Okay, fine, we'll deal with that later. Prairie, enlighten me instead on why you're running around in pajamas as indecent as those. I get the cosplay Tsumugi gave you yesterday is difficult to put on alone, but you can't substitute clothes for what you have on right now,' Rantaro informs me, making me whine under his shirt.
'I-I came out last night since I couldn't sleep and accidentally passed out in the game room...' I explain my case in embarrassment, already knowing he definitely won't take that excuse. My cheeks get warmer even though I can't currently see him. 'I didn't mean to...! I'm sorry!'
Rantaro is silent for a moment, as if thinking about what to say or do next. All I can do is stay hidden in the shirt he's lent me in the meantime, making a grand effort to not think about the fact that his shirt used to be on that torso of his. With his stupid vest in the first resets and this loose shirt of his, I wouldn't have thought he looked so fit under his clothes, but I guess it's expected from the Ultimate Adventurer. Now my brain remains affixed on the memory of his stupid abdominals like a moth to a light bulb.
'And are you sorry you threw a rock at Shuichi?' Rantaro asks next, making me tune back into reality to nod under the shirt.
'I'm sorry...but...' I finally peek out from the shirt to look up at Rantaro. 'I'm...I'm not moe.'
To my annoyance, Rantaro crosses his arms and presses one hand over his mouth likely to hide a smile. He doesn't say anything, making me frown up at him. Don't tell me he agrees with Shuichi!
'I don't about know that...' He openly admits, making me puff up my cheeks in disapproval. He smiles more, finally reaching over to rub my head until I growl and shift away from his touch.
'S-Stop it...I'm not moe,' I repeat in a huff, shrinking back a little when he reaches over to take my hand.
'Right, sure. Come on, let's see if Kirumi is in her room to help dress you. I sent her here ahead of time so we can start opening up the other places around the school,' Rantaro says, making me blink as he leads me towards Kirumi's room.
'Opening up the other places'?' I ask, watching him ring Kirumi's buzzer and look back at me with an expression of resignation.
'You'll see, don't worry. Just focus on dressing and we'll explain on the way,' he says just as the doors open to reveal Kirumi.
'Ah, you found her. Very well, I'll help you dress then, Prairie...' Kirumi pauses and then looks at Rantaro, resisting a bit of a smile as she promptly continues with, 'Rantaro, do I need to help you dress also?'
Just that reminder is enough for me to wrangle Rantaro's shirt off and throw it at his face, causing him to jump a little in surprise as I grab Kirumi's hand and lead her up the stairs to my room quickly. For wearing heels, she keeps up pretty well.
'Opening up the other places'...Is the school bigger than we thought? Hmm...come to think of it, the school definitely has way more floors that I haven't seen a staircase to, and going by the shape, there's parts of the first floor that could hold extra space. Maybe that's what he means. The school is accessible to other parts.
I guess there's also that 'Avarita' and misspelled 'Luxuria' doors in question too...
'Prairie, are you feeling unwell? You're awfully red in the face...perhaps you'd rather stay in if you're feeling under the weather?' Kirumi suggests as I close my room door behind her, only reminding me of why I'm red and making me whine as I cover my face with my hair. This seems to make it click for her, and she chuckles a little. 'Oh, is it perhaps due to Rantaro?'
I peek up at her from between the locks of my curls.
'H-Have you seen his stupid face? Kirumi...' I start, feeling extremely embarrassed that I have to admit this to someone else. As if saying it to Kaede, Kokichi, and stupid Rantaro himself wasn't this point, everyone already knows anyways, Kokichi wasn't exactly subtle after Rantaro chased me into the warehouse yesterday. 'He's too...good looking. It's horrible! His face was bad enough, did you see those abs?! They're like a washboard! And his stupid biceps! And-!'
'Prairie, please calm down for a moment, you're getting worked up and you're much more flushed now than before, I don't want you to-'
I blink to find myself on the floor with Kirumi looking down at me, my head resting on her lap as she waits for me to recuperate. Seeing me blink up at her, she hums in thought with a calculating frown.
'I've never seen a case of severe swooning quite like this. Not to the point of fainting in succession and not from simply a thought...Prairie, do you recall any allergies or conditions you might have? Perhaps one related to hormone changes?' Kirumi asks curiously, only managing to get a head shake of mild confusion from me as I sit up to find that I'm already entirely dressed in the 2B cosplay. Wow, Kirumi works fast...she really is the Ultimate Maid. 'If only you hadn't acquired amnesia. This kind of fainting you're experiencing isn't normal and I'm truly concerned. I've seen it portrayed in anime and television as comedic relief, but it isn't something reflected in people outside of fiction.'
Eh? ...Kirumiwatches anime then?
She ponders it for a moment longer before getting back on her feet, helping me up as well and keeping a grip on my arm when my balance wobbles a bit.
'Let's be on our way in that case...' Kirumi concludes our chat, smiling and leading me out by my hand so I don't fall over or lose my balance- especially with the heels I'm now wearing.
As we exit my room, Rantaro straightens up and turns from where he'd been resting against the railing off the second floor of the dormitories. As soon as Kirumi's eyes land on him, she clears her throat and Rantaro's smile dims slightly under her stern look.
'Rantaro. Please make an effort to keep your shirt on around Prairie, regardless of the circumstances. You're already aware of how sensitive she is around boys- especially you in particular,' Kirumi scolds Rantaro, who blushes himself with a sheepish laugh and rubs the back of his neck as he casts a curious glance my way. I can't even hold eye contact with him, instead choosing to whine and cover my red face with my hair.
I shouldn't have said anything to Kirumi! This is as bad as the guys tend to be...! Where is her filter? Why am I being embarrassed like this? What did I do wrong?!
'Ah, you're right, I'll remember that for the future, Kirumi...but did something happ-' Rantaro begins, making me remove my hands from my hair covered face to grab Rantaro's hand along with Kirumi's.
'Nothing happened, stop being so nosy,' I huff defensively, shutting Rantaro down and eventually releasing his and Kirumi's hand on our way out of the dormitories.
We make our way through the courtyard, my eyes shifting around when I realize there's a change outside that I didn't actually notice since I was so busy freaking out over being in my small pajamas earlier. A lot of the grass has been trimmed down, and some of the construction areas have been completed from what I can see. Wow, they've been working on it for days already, I almost thought they were just idle and there for appearances rather than for actual utility.
Once we reach the walled area where I'd originally spotted Rantaro and Shuichi with Kiibo and Tenko, we pause. The doors are open, but I still don't know how they got them open. They said something about a hexagon and a crank though, so I guess that's that.
'Monokuma gave us for items to use around the school. One of them, a hand crank, we figured worked for this wall. We didn't want to go using them just yet after we had breakfast since you weren't around, but Monokuma said we might find you if we went opening up places. Looking here was my suggestion since you love climbing so much,' Rantaro explains with a bit of a smile my way as the three of us glance up the wall. Eventually, I start walking in without waiting for them.
These new areas might hold new possibilities to get us out of here. There's no time to waste!
'Prairie, wait! Don't run off ahead on your own,' I hear Rantaro call from a couple of yards behind me upon noticing. I stop as I reach a split in the path, eyeing the shallow and decorative clear water surrounding two short walkways. Just seeing the buildings makes my eyes squint and my brow knit together as I re-read the large lit up logos on the buildings to make sure I'm not seeing things.
One of them says 'Casino' and the other...
'Hotel Kuma...sutra,' I read out loud, cocking my head slightly to the side as Kirumi and Rantaro stop on either side of me- only for Rantaro to then quickly follow me with a hum of annoyance when I speed on over to the more curious of the two buildings- the Kumasutra hotel.
Going by how 'Avarita' means avarice and how 'Luxuria' means lust...I can only imagine the hotel is related to theluxuria portion of the door.
'...'Rest twenty-five dollars for two guests... two hours'. 'Overnight forty-five dollars'. Huh. What's even the point of a hotel here? We already have our own rooms and everything,' I question vocally, easily skirting past Rantaro's attempt to catch my arm and hurrying past him to where I see Kirumi already heading into the casino curiously. Mostly though, there's no way I'm letting Rantaro hold my hand after what happened before.
'Prairie, will you please stop running?' I hear him ask, frustration clear in his voice.
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I can still barely look at him, so that's a 'no' from me.
Inside the casino, since I know Rantaro will likely reach for my hand if I stop moving, I hurry in and quickly commit the first floor of the casino to memory. There's a pair of desks, one reading 'Exchange: Reception Desk'. Between the two desks is a prize machine- obviously nothing new to study. If anything, the prizes in that thing are probably more or less as useless as the items in the for the nectarine prize, of course.
There's a set of stairs I quickly round towards and hurry down, ignoring Rantaro's vexed grunt of pain as he clumsily bumps into the Casino Entrance archway leading down to the basement level. I can't help but look back and giggle as he rubs his shoulder and promptly looks my way with a bit of a dark smile.
'Oh, is that funny to you? Now you're gonna get it,' Rantaro warns as my feet hit the basement floor of the casino, which is bathed in a blue light as a result of all the casino slot machines and games.
'Ah, Prairie! Welcome to the party! Hey, what do you think?! Look what I won!' The sound of Kaito Momota's voice makes me turn my attention away from Rantaro, enough that the green haired teen suddenly sprints down the stairs midst my minor distraction. As soon as I realize my mistake though, he closes the distance when I turn back to look at him.
Too late. He's already in front of me.
'Gotcha!' He announces, making me squeal and burst into laughter when he grabs my sides and starts tickling me. I fail to squirm away, collapsing to the floor at his mercy. 'Say you're sorry and I'll spare you,' Rantaro chuckles as he pokes my sides from every which angle, effortlessly bypassing my every attempt to stop his assault until I give in.
'I'm sorry!' I squeak around my breathless laughter, Rantaro pausing and allowing me to squirm away until I'm on my feet where I bravely add, 'I'm sorry you're such a clumsy tower...'
Rantaro isn't far away enough to outrun though, and I only make it one step away before he lunges so I'm vainly struggling against his tickles and pokes once more. At that point, I apologize for real and mean it.
'Haha! You two are funny, right, Shuichi?' Kaito asks, finally prompting Rantaro and I to look up so we finally focus on the pile- no, mountain- of coins by Kaito and a sheepish looking Shuichi Saihara we didn't even notice was around. Kirumi is also among us, stepping up beside us and reaching down with a hand extended to me. I take her hand, letting her help me up as Rantaro stands up on his own so we can look at the pile of Kaito's winnings.
'You won all this by yourself?' I ask in surprise, walking over and picking up one coin. It's not the same as the monocoins Monokid gave me. Seems like these coins are only worth anything in this particular building.
'You're not gonna believe it, but he won this with only one coin,' Shuichi speaks up with a smile, shrugging in mild disbelief even though it seems he was around when Kaito won the jackpot. 'Just one go and it spat out all this.'
'Hehe! As expected, my intuition's pretty damn good! Well, it should be, since I'm gonna reach the stars and all,' Kaito haughtily claims with a sniff of pride, making me bite my lip to resist a grin. I'll bet my intuition is a dozen times better than his. 'You can go ahead and keep that coin, Prairie! Maybe you'll hit a jackpot too!' Kaito picks up a coin and flips it in Rantaro's direction. 'Aaand one for you too!'
Rantaro easily snatches it from the air, a helpless laugh escaping him. 'Thanks, Kaito.'
Jeez, Kaito'stossing free coins like a rich man gives out one hundred dollar bills...I guess that's what happens when you win the lottery. I think he's taking his win too seriously, it's not like he's going to get real money out of all of this...not to mention, the prizes for these coins are probably lame.
'You're incredible, darling! Your luck is so good, I think I'm falling for you!'
That voice, as goofy and cartoony as it's always been, makes me whirl around and narrow my eyes viciously at the new figure as everyone else jumps in surprise. Before I can pull my leg back and kick that stupid grinning monochromatic bear, Rantaro snatches me up again- this time not for the purpose of playing around like before. He drags me back a few feet, pinning my arms to my sides so I'm unable to squirm my way out of his grip.
'Don't just appear out of nowhere like that!' Kaito objects, relaxing just slightly.
'Darling'...?' Shuichi questions under his breath, joining Rantaro and I where I'm struggling to get away from the idiot preventing me from teaching Monokuma a lesson. Upon seeing my efforts, Shuichi casts Rantaro a sympathetic look. I can only wonder the expression Rantaro has on his face since I'm totally mad-dogging Monokuma.
'Oh my, I'm so sorry! I was just so attracted to your luck, darling! Those are some impressive earnings, you know? With this many coins, you can trade them all in for some luxurious goods!' Monokuma continues, pretty much ignoring my rabid struggles and growling as I try to push away from Rantaro. If anything, Monokuma's dismissal and indifference only makes me angrier inside.
This stupid bear has the audacity to show his face after what he did toKaedeand Monotaro...I'm gonna rip him apart!
'Prairie, that's enough,' Rantaro suddenly hisses by my ear lowly and snappily, enough that I wince at his harsh tone and stop wriggling when I notice the fierce look he's giving me over my shoulder. Despite me calming down from the chastisement, he doesn't loosen his grip or drop his guard. Monokuma on the other hand continues to ignore us, and I scowl even though I know Rantaro won't let me go ballistic on him.
'Hey, this is just between those among us, okay...? If you manage to earn just a few more coins, you'll be able to get your hands on the best prize this place has to offer!' Monokuma hints with a slight purr, making my scowl deepen if possible. Is this stupid bear trying to egg Kaito on to throw more coins to the casino machines? Jeez, what idiot would go along with that?
Of course, it's clear I don't know Kaito at all. One would think they'd have an idea that he's responsible and not gullible based on his ultimate talent and how he behaves, but reality has another thing coming.
Turns out the Ultimate kind of thick in the skull.
'Heh! Hearing that, there's no way I can just leave things the way they are!' Kaito exclaims, visibly fired up and straightening up in his seat as he cracks his knuckles for the challenge.
I blink and look back at the other three, wondering if I've just stepped into the twilight zone.
'Is he joking?' I ask, clearly flabbergasted and no longer fired up inside from Monokuma's presence. 'He knows Monokuma's only baiting him, right?'
Rantaro makes a funny face, like he too has realized he may have pegged Kaito to be smarter than he actually is. At that, I snicker a little behind a hand.
'But...Kaito, he said that with all the coins you have right now, you can still exchange them for luxury items...' Shuichi speaks up weakly, clearly sensing Kaito is dead serious and making a valiant attempt to dissuade him from a big mistake. Of course, Kaito simply waves him off with a jolly grin of pride as he picks a coin from the gold mountain beside him.
'The hell are you sayin'?! I couldn't call myself a man if I backed down from a challenge here! Besides, I'm still gonna reach space, so there's no way my intuition would tell me wrong!' Kaito exclaims, throwing a coin in the machine so it lights up and rolls the slots.
'Oh my! That's so manly of you, darling!' Monokuma chirps flamboyantly, only fueling Kaito's vigor if even possible. Either way, Kaito is at the mercy of his lack of self control and it's impossible to pull my eyes away from what I can already tell will end in dismay.
Poor Kaito. Having burnt halfway through his coins, Rantaro finally relaxes his grip on me, enough that I've fished my arms out and have started playing with his rings and bracelets. To watch a person's sad downfall from glory...even Rantaro and Kirumi look on with unique varying expressions of pity.
'Ah?! Dammit! How could I lose again!' Kaito shouts, slamming a fist against the side of of the slot machine in a rhythm and then gently dragging his fingers over the front of it like it's some kind of good-luck ritual. It's rather pitifully amusing to see him do that all the time and expect a different outcome...
'Perhaps now is a good time to stop?' Kirumi suggests, followed by Monokuma's annoying input of, 'What's wrong, darling? You're down to half your coins! Maybe you should listen to your friend and call it quits now...'
'Yeah, I got half of them left! Startin' now, I'm gonna earn everything back in one go, you know!' Kaito shouts, looking frazzled and desperate for the most part. 'Just you watch!'
Kirumi sighs in unison with me, until I feel Rantaro's hand twitch against mine as I clutch it gently.
'...I don't think he's gonna win anything back,' I say, tilting my head to look up at Rantaro. 'Gambling is scary.'
Rantaro chuckles at my input and we look back at Kaito, strangely affixed on his predicament. Coin after coin they go, disappearing into the machine followed by the pulling of the slot lever and the jingle as the slots roll. Not even once does Kaito win anything back though. Not a single coin...and at that point, he eventually comes down to his last coin, holding it before him with a sweat glistening on his brow.
Again, the coins are NOT that valuable, so I don't understand the intensity of his obsession to earn so many coins- it's not like he's a dragon from Middle Earth trying to hoard the stuff. What could Monokuma possibly give that would warrant such value to the coins anyways?
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'Th-This is...the last coin!' Kaito states, as if the rest of us didn't notice the disappearance of his coin mountain in the first place. He's totally delusional...poor guy.
The rest of us are quiet on our end and I clutch Rantaro's hand tighter. Can Kaito do it though? Somehow I doubt it, but I can't help but keep a string of hope lingering in my heart.

'Don't get your hopes up, trust me,' Rantaro murmurs by my ear in amusement, as if having read my mind simply by looking at my face. Slightly embarrassed, I look up at him and give him a small smile.
'I know, but still...maybe he'll get lucky?' I suggest, only for Rantaro to brush my hair back as we look back at Kaito on his last legs.
Kaito swallows thickly, eyes narrowed on the coin slot before he throws his final coin into the machine. 'This is...IIITTTTT!'
He pulls the lever.
I'd like to say he won the jackpot again, reverting the Ultimate Astronaut back to his former glory...but as I watch the slot panels slow to a stop in tune with the jingle...
I loosen my grip on Rantaro's hand, which had tightened prior to the last run of the slot machine. Kaito gapes at the results as it greedily reclaims his last coin, prompting a sigh from both Rantaro and Shuichi.
'Too bad!' Monokuma laughs, promptly dropping whatever character he'd been playing to tempt Kaito to keep throwing his coins into the slot machine. 'Your intuition was waayoff! Puhuhu~! Wow, watching suckers falling into ruin is so much fun!' Monokuma giggles wildly, finally looking back to eye me with a wide grin.
My blood turns to fire at that. Now he chooses to acknowledge me? Is he implying something with that comment towards me and my goals to fight the killing game?
I push Rantaro's arms off of me after snatching his coin from his grip. He reaches to pull me back until he realizes I'm not making a beeline for Monokuma, walking over to Kaito's side instead. Once I'm next to him, I throw both coins into the slot machine in front of him and the slot machine to his left, placing my hand on the two levers.
If Monokumathinks he can throw shade on me, he's got another thing coming. With my intuition, he's going to regret underestimating me this much. I'll make him regret it. For now though, wiping that pathetic snarky grin off his face will just have to suffice as my comeback!
I close my eyes after staring at the pace of the running slots on each machine. I can hear Kaito try and dissuade me from my actions, which I must admit is pretty funny. The poor sod is totally spent from gambling his jackpot away.
'Prairie, don't be like me! Dammit, I'm fucked...! If only I had stopped back then...!' Kaito laments, pressing a hand to his forehead hard.
Typical of a gambling addict...when 'just one more coin and I'll win it all back' becomes the mantra in their descent to despair. Kaito dug a pit for himself, and just kept digging with reckless abandon.
'I'm finished! No more gambling for me! From now on, I'm only making bets!'
Deeper and deeper Kaitodigs his pit...
I pull the two levers at the same time and move back so I'm not totally invading Kaito's personal space, watching the slots in the two slot machines come to a series of stops before-
'JACKPOT~! JACKPOT~! JACKPOT~! JACKPOT~!' The two machines blare in slight unison, alarms ringing wildly as Kaito turns his head to look up and gape at me.
'Two machines...? At the same time?!' I hear Shuichi question, just as Kaito turns and grabs my hands suddenly so I'm forced to face him when he jumps out of his seat much too close to me in my personal space. A squeak of surprise escapes me as my cheeks dust red when I realize how much he towers over me from our proximity, prompting my back to straighten up uncomfortably. Kaito doesn't even notice, falling to his knees and looking up at me as I try to back away and pull my hands from his iron grip.
'How?! Are you secretly a two-talent girl, Prairie? Are you also the Ultimate Gambler?! What's your secret?! How long do you wait for the slots to run? What do I listen out for?! Tell me, Prairie, I need to know!' Kaito drills me until Rantaro comes by and lifts me away despite Kaito's desperate questions. The Ultimate Astronaut collapses behind us, the dual flood of coins spilling out to bury Kaito's now unmoving body under the mountains of gold from his sheer defeat.
I did this to get at Monokuma, not to challenge Kaito...!
'You guys go on ahead. I will offer comfort to Kaito in his time of need,' Kirumi says to us with a pleasant smile, making Shuichi and Rantaro nod as I'm set back down on my feet. Rantaro takes my hand and starts pulling me along with Shuichi as I glance back at Monokuma curiously only to realize he's barely smiling at all now, glaring at me with clear malicious intent likely from that little show I gave using my intuition.
Knowing he can't do anything at the moment at least, especially since it wasn't on the list of rules, my lips curl into a grin and Monokuma's face seems to turn red with rage.
Good. I'm glad you hate me.
End of 3.2 - Comeback