Member profile: Casino Gaming Commission (Jamaica) Asia-Pacific gaming regulators to attend five-day training program in Sydney in August Record fine imposed on Wynn Resorts by Massachusetts regulator.
A gaming license is necessary for any online gambling enterprise if its operator wants to run the business legally and offer their players the best games. It is also necessary for opening a merchant account for your venture. Read about opening merchant and processing accounts.Gaminglicensing offers Curacao and Maltese licenses for online businesses, since these two are the most popular options to date. Both these licenses have their advantages. However, changes constantly occur in gaming legislation, so we compiled the information on legislation in different countries. Read about it in this section.
Curacao license
The Curacao license is a perfect balance between the cost and quality. It takes only 2 weeks to obtain it, it is economical, and you can operate any gambling business under one license. Note, if you want to open your own casino, you may not worry about the license at all: our White label platform solution lets you operate under our license.
Maltese license
Maltese license is expensive but very prestigious. There are 4 types of Maltese licenses, each necessary for conducting a particular type of gambling activities: Class 1 – for casino games, skill games and lotteries, Class 2 – for betting, Class 3 – for peer betting and betting exchanges and Class 4 – for software vendors.
There are also other options, which are described in detail in this section. Read about legislation in different countries and ask our experts if you have questions or would like to obtain a license.
Casino Special Employee Licence
- move, exchange, or count money and chips
- operate or maintain gaming equipment
- are involved in the conduct of gaming
- work as casino security
- hold a managerial role that authorises you to make decisions
- are directed to apply for the licence.
If you are a licence holder, you are required to renew your licence every seven years.
Legislation governing Casino Special Employees:
Additional information
Your privacy
Your information is collected by Liquor & Gaming NSW (L&GNSW) to be used for the purpose of processing your application and may be disclosed to other Government agencies for this purpose.
Applying for a licence
Application cost $255*:
- if you are employed by a casino, your employer will pay for your application
- if you are contracted to work for a casino, you will pay for your application.
* Fee increases with CPI on 1 July each year.
Collect and scan the below list of documents to submit with your licence application:
- a credit report issued by a national credit reporting body within the last three months.
Your name and date of birth must exactly match the official name on your birth certificate, or any name change documents issued since then - like a marriage or deed poll certificate. - an overseas police certificate issued within the past six months if you have moved to Australia within the past twelve months.
- proof of eligibility to work in Australia - this could include a birth certificate, passport or citizenship certificate for Australian and New Zealand citizens or valid working visa for non-Australian citizens.
- photo identification like your passport, Australian driver licence or an Australian Government issued photo card.
- the last Australian income tax return which you have lodged and the notice of assessment, or the overseas equivalent.
- proof of change of name documentation like your marriage or deed poll certificate, if applicable.
- any court records relating to any present or past civil or criminal court proceedings to which you are or were a part, if applicable.
A criminal check will be required by your employer after submission so all criminal charges and guilty verdicts must be disclosed with your application. Findings of guilt do not automatically disqualify you from being issued with a licence but are handled on a risk assessment basis. - current New South Wales security licence - where applicable.
Application Forms
Complete the two submission forms once you've collected and scanned all your relevant documentation.
- CAS300 Casino special employee licence probity form PDF, 1238.07 KB
You will need an authorised witness to sign and witness your signature on the statutory declaration in the Probity Form. This form is used to determine your suitability to hold a casino special employee licence. - Casino Special Employee Online Application
Attach a copy of all your scanned documents and your completed, signed, and scanned Probity Form.
Change of circumstance form
Renewal Forms
You will need to renew your licence every seven years. L&GNSW will send a text and email notification to you when it's time.
- Online renewal form - attach all documentation required and the above CAS300 Probity Form.
Criminal history check
A criminal history check is required for all Casino Special Employee applicants. This may require you to provide finger and palm prints. If you are employed by the casino, your employer will arrange this.
All criminal charges and guilty verdicts must be disclosed with your application. Findings of guilt do not automatically disqualify you from being issued with a licence but are handled on a risk assessment basis.
Assessing your application
Your application will be submitted to your employer for their review, or to L&GNSW directly if you are a contractor. Your employer will contact you if they require further information and will lodge the application on your behalf with L&GNSW.
Before granting you a Casino Special Employee Licence, ILGA has to be satisfied that you are a suitable person to hold a licence. For that purpose, ILGA will make an assessment of your:
- integrity, responsibility, personal background
- financial stability
- general reputation having regard to character and honesty.
ILGA uses the information provided in the online application, probity form, the criminal history check, and other attached documents to assess your suitability.
You may be granted a Provisional Casino Employee Licence pending determination of your application.
If your information changes between your application being submitted and the application outcome you must notify ILGA immediately by completing the form: CA0040 Casino special employee - notify/update details form PDF, 698.51 KB.
Further information may be requested before granting your licence. Failure to provide information requested by the Authority may result in the refusal of your application.
Note: If you are employed directly by a casino, contact your employer if you have a question about your application.
If you are employed as a contractor at a casino, contact L&GNSW if you have a question about your application.
Application Outcome
Online Casino License Peru City
You will be notified via email of the outcome of your application.
A casino special employee must:
- wear a clearly visible form of identification approved by ILGA
- not gamble in the casino
- not seek or accept any gratuity, consideration, or other benefit from a patron
- you must advise in writing of any change in circumstances that may impact your licence.
Changes in contact and circumstances that may impact your licence
Licence holder must notify ILGA in writing within 14 days of:
- a change to your name or contact details
- an involvement in criminal, civil or alternative dispute resolution proceedings
- a change consisting of the obtaining of judgment against you
- a suspension or termination by a casino operator
- your exclusion from another casino
- any disciplinary action relating to any other liquor, gaming, racing or wagering authorisation, including any jurisdiction outside of Australia.
Changes in your financial circumstances
Notify ILGA as soon as possible of changes in your financial circumstances including:

Online Casino License Peru Massachusetts
- becoming bankrupt
- applying to take the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors
- compounding with creditors or making an assignment of remuneration for their benefit
- entering into a compromise or scheme of arrangement with creditors.

Complete and submit:CA0040 Casino special employee - notify/update details form PDF, 698.51 KB
A Casino Special Employee Licence is valid for seven years unless:
- your circumstances change, and you surrender your licence to ILGA
- your licence is cancelled by ILGA
- You can continue to work provided that your renewal application was lodged with L&GNSW before your licence expiry date.
- If you do not lodge your renewal before the expiry date then you are not able to continue working.
Speak to your employer if you do not receive an email notification 90 days before your licence expires.
Renewing your licence
There are three steps to renewing your licence:
- Collect and scan the documents required that are outlined in the form at Step 2
- Complete the form: CAS300 Casino special employee licence probity form PDF, 1238.07 KB
- Complete the online renewal form and attach all documents and the form from Step 2. Note: you will need the renewal number that was emailed to you for this step.